Friday, 1 June 2012

Progress Report 3 - Assessment 2 - Chipboard

The next component of the mouse I created was the chipboard. First of all in the image below you can see I have sketched the base and created a boss extrude to start modelling it together.

In the image below I have extruded the base up to an appropriate distance and have begun on the actual features of the chipboard. I have begun extruding the first cube which is the actual click component of the mouse.

To create the second clicker I mirrored the entire feature of the first extrude that I just created to save time and to keep both of the clickers the same dimension. 

Now that the two click features have been completed, I then moved onto some other features of the chipboard. In the image below I have created the capacitor with a simple revolve.

In the image above I have used a series of planes and the mirror feature tool to create the other two capacitors which are on the chipboard.

On the chipboard where the main component of hardware is, I have applied the small spokes which run along this piece. Using a simple extrude to make the rectangular shape then a linear pattern sketch tool to create the rest of the piece as you can see in the image below. 

Putting in a bit of extra detail into the board I decided to create the small wire pieces which are soldered to through it. In the image below you can see the first wire piece that I have created using a boss revolve. 

In the image below I'm currently developing the LED at the back of the chipboard. I created this using  the revolve feature.

For the mouse wheel to be connected to the chipboard I need to model the cylinderical clicker. In the image below I have created a plane parallel to the far left clicker. Sketching an approximate outline of the figure I have used a boss extrude to model the piece. Merging the result so that it is flush with the chipboard itself.

Once the main structure of the piece had been complete I then added the necessary detail to make it a bit more realistic. In the image below I have created the three wire pieces which are at the bottom of it. I created these pieces with a single sketch, off-setting the entities of the sketch so the the wire piece is an even width the whole way through, then used the linear pattern tool to create the three of them.

The next piece I modelled was the ugly looking capacitor piece. I created this piece using the loft feature. Creating the bases with a plane on the base of the board and then another plane perpendicular to this plane. I then created a series of guide curves to create it. As the piece is symmetrical I simply mirrored the feature across. 

I have now completed the PCB with the detail which was necessary to add. In future development depending on time I will add further detail to it.

Kieren Smith.

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