Tuesday, 17 April 2012

SolidWorks Progress for Assessment 1

Due to surgical extractions in weeks 2 and 3 I was unable to come to a successful start. However in following weeks I began to make some progress. In the image above, you can see I have begun development on the non-cylinderical shampoo bottle for assessment 1. I applied 4 images, front, side, top and bottom and used them as guides to loft together the shampoo bottle. Using these lines as guide curves I was able to loft the shampoo bottle together giving it a 3D structure.

The image above is the outcome of successfully lofting together the shampoo bottle.

The next step was to split the top of the bottle from the body of the bottle and to begin development on the lid of the bottle.

In the image above I have successfully past the point of splitting the lid from the body and have begun development of the lid underneath.

In this image I have constructed the main structure inside the lid as you can see and am now finishing it off by placing the two ribs either side to give the lid its structural integrity.

The above image is the real cap.

More progress to come.

Thanks, Kieren.

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